Monday, May 08, 2006

Life being a parent is great. It is definitely weird knowing that now somebody is always going to be looking up to me and asking me for advise. Daniel is still a healthy boy. He is growing quite rapidly, I can't wait until his next doctors apt. so we can see how much he has grown. He isn't really sleeping through the nights yet, which can be expected because Kristin is breast feeding and they require more breast milk than they do formula. Kristin has been nice enough to give me one day a week where I can go do my hunting and fishing and relax a little bit, and that has been a godsend. I feel bad because Kristin doesn't get that one day a week. When I am working, I sleep through the day and go to work. For some reason my body just requires a lot of sleep some months and the next it requires none at all. Well right now its requiring a lot. So I am sleeping well into the day and getting up just before I have to leave for work. I think God should of evened out the parenting load though and gave the men the boobies. Wouldn't that be a funny thing guys walking around in nursing bras....HAHAHAHA. I hope everybody is doing good,and I will try to update faster. I know it has been 3 weeks since my last post.

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