Saturday, April 22, 2006

The doctor apt. went ok, he gained 7oz. and he looks like a human again and not a little pumpkin. Even though he will always be our little pumpkin now.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

We had to make a return trip to the hospital on Tuesday. We went to the Doctors Office at 5pm, and found out that his bilirubin test from earlier in the day was at 14 and they start treatment when it reaches 12. So we got admitted to the hospital and he got to lay in an incubator surrounded with flourescent lights and baste in the 92 degree heat, while being fed electrolytes through an IV. It was really heartbreaking seeing him lay in there where they usually put premies. We got to take him out every 2 hours and feed and play with him. By the time the morning got there, his bilirubin numbers where down to 10. They took him out of the Incubator, but left him on the IV for 5 more hours to help flush out his system. He is now home and doing very good. I would like to thank my Mom for her help getting us supplies and for her support during that emotional time. I am glad she was in town at that time. THANKS MOM!!! We have a doctors appt. on Friday, so expect an update soon after.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Wow! What an amazing weekend. Thursday night we arrived at the hospital at 8pm like we had scheduled. They immediatley put us in the delivery room where we were to stay until the baby arrived. After all the paperwork was done, Kristin had her first of many exams. The nurse told us that she wasn't even 1cm dilated and that the doctor must have been pushing the numbers a little. They went ahead and administered the sopository. Kristin was hooked up to a machine that monitors the babys heartbeat, her contractions, and her blood pressure. On the machine, we could see that she was having contractions about every 6 mins and wasn't even aware that they were contractions. After an extremely long night with no sleep from all the excitement, morning finally came. By the time the dayshift nurse came on duty, Kristin was having contractions from every minute to every 5 minutes. At 7:45 she was put on an IV of pitocin. The Nurse told her that the pitocin would make her contractions more consistant but also make them more intense. She was to start at 15ml of the pitocin and increase the dose by 15ml every 30 minutes. The docotor also came in during this time and broke her water to let the baby fall towards the cervix and help in the opening of it. After the first 30 minutes on the pitocin, Kristin was having contractions steadily every 4 mins and with some pain. The nurse, Lana, increased her dosage 15 ml, and within 10 mins she was at every 2 minutes and with lots of pain that she rated 6 out of 10. At this time an exam told her she was 3-4 cm. The pain was getting unbareable every 2 minutes, and she opted for the epidural. After the epidural, everything was fine and we started playing cards. During the card game, I noticed that her cheeks were shaking. She lifted up her hands and looked at them and they were also shaking uncontrollably. Then she started coughing and couldn't swallow all that great. I ran to the hallway and grabbed a nurse because Lana was delivering another baby next door. They decided that the epidural was too much of a doseage at the normal 15ml. They shut off the machine controlling her dosage and we waited for anastisiologist to get there to reset the dosage. After dropping her down to 13 ml, the numbness was out of her chest, and back to the lower extremeities like it is suppose to be. The shaking never did stop until after birth, but we were able to control it a little by adding lots and lots of covers on top of her. We added about 6 inches of blankets and she was doing fine. The pitocin never did get increased after that except right before delivery. Her contractions were close enough and they wanted the uterus to get time to rest between them. It was now time for a nap and after that scare I could sure use one. I woke up an hour later to the nurse coming in to do another exam, and we found out that she was 6-7cm. Another 30 minutes later, she was 7-8cm. Lana called the doctor and he said to start pushing in 30 minutes to help finish opening the cervis up. After about 20 pushes, Kristin had managed to open the cervix up all the way and if a person looked during the pushing, you could see his hair. The doctor came in and in 20 minutes Daniel Lewis Frye was born 8 lbs and 4 oz. During our first night after the delivery, the nursery nurse came in at 2AM and woke Kristin, she told her that Daniel had turned blue on them and that his blood sugar was low. They put him under a heat lamp and hooked him up to monitors, and he was doing fine. At 10:30AM they turned him back over to us, and there hasn't been another scare yet. We brought him home tonight. Right now Mommy and Daniel are asleep, and I am to wake them up at 2:30 for a feeding. We are to keep track of how much he eats and how many times we have to throw a diaper away until Tuesday. Tuesday we have to go back to the Hospital for another bully strip test. This is to test for Jondice. He has it a little right now, but it wasn't high enough to keep him in the hospital. Myself and Kristin would like to thank everyone for there support during this pregnancy and especially the staff at Terre Haute Regional Hospital for being so great. THANKS EVERYONE

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

We went to the doctor again today, and had our sonogram. The doctor estimated the babies weight by the measurements taken from the sonogram, and he estimated 8lbs 12 oz. He decided if the baby grew anymore, that they would have to do a C-section, so they are going to Induce her this Thursday with a sopository, the potosin on Friday if the pill didn't work. So if all goes well, we will have a new baby boy this weekend. It is definatley a boy we got to see it this time. We didn't get any pics on disk this time, so there isn't any to show sorry.
I ment to post the following before this post, but I will just attach it to this. The following is out of the book I am currently reading by Louis L'Amour - The Lonesome Gods. The two people talking are speaking of the oncoming War with Mexico and how Mexico had many thousands more troops than we had, and we only had 25,000 troops spread out over the whole US. I believe everybody in the US should read and understand this. It still makes sense in today world some 200 years later. I don't know the actual figures, but I know alot of the US troops today are spread out over the whole world. What would happen if we got attacked? How long would it take to get our forces back home to protect their homes?

"Will we be beaten?"

"I doubt it, Johannes. Our Constitution provides that no law shall forbid us from keeping and bearing arms because of the necessity for a militia. We have a militia of a sort, but our greatest strength lies in the fact that so many of our people not only possess weapons but also understand their use, and above all they are prepared to defend themselves against any sudden attack by an enemy. You will remember that we won our freedom because we were armed. We were not a simple peasantry unused to weapons. The men who wrote our Constitution knew our people would be safe as long as they were armed."

Monday, April 10, 2006

I won a GPS System!!! I am a member at and I always enter into the monthly drawings at the beginning of every month. I entered last month and WON!!!! I haven't had a real chance to play with it yet, but I have loaded a map of all the surrounding counties I visit and plugged it into the car cigarette adapter, and watched it on my way to work. It seems to be surprising accurate. I have owned a GPS since the age of 15, and this one works a lot better than my old one. The closest my old GPS system, a Garmin GPS 12, ever got me to a waypoint was 100ft. This system I have gotten it as close as 10 feet. The reason behind this remarkable accuracy is that it is also a WAAS receiver. I had to look what that was up online and I found this.
"WAAS consists of approximately 25 ground reference stations positioned across the United States that monitor GPS satellite data. Two master stations, located on either coast, collect data from the reference stations and create a GPS correction message. This correction accounts for GPS satellite orbit and clock drift plus signal delays caused by the atmosphere and ionosphere. The corrected differential message is then broadcast through one of two geostationary satellites, or satellites with a fixed position over the equator. The information is compatible with the basic GPS signal structure, which means any WAAS-enabled GPS receiver can read the signal."
Does it sound amazing to you? Yeah me too. The remarkable thing is it does it all under 1sec. And they can't speed our Internet up why? The unit I won, is a Lowrance iFinder HUNT, it and the acceories I received with it are valued at $349.95. Can you tell, I am excited?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Been helping my friends out at with making some new graphics for their website. You can check out what I have done so far at

Took Kristin to the doctor again today. She is 1cm dilated. The doctor still says it is possibly a BIG baby, so we have a sonogram scheduled for next Tuesday. Thats all for today....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Wow what a beautiful morning.....
Got off of work today, due to DST I now get off just as the sun is waking up for the day. I had my fishing pole in my Jimmy, so I decided to stop by Hawthorn Park in Terre Haute and do some fishing. It was just light enough to see when I threw my first cast. I reeled it in and moved on to the next spot I decided to try. Now it was light enough to see across the lake. I tell you what, that was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen other than Kristin of course. There were probably 200 ducks and geese on the water and 4 swans all the way on the other bank. To top that off I had 5 beavers and several muskrats all over the water in front of the ducks and geese. I wished I would of had a camera. I tried with the cam on my phone, but those are worthless. The fishing was good for this time of year, I caught 3 largemouths in the 20 mins. I was there.
Next I went to Craig Park in Brazil. Now I have fished this several times and have maybe caught 10 fish my whole life. I really wasn't expecting to catch any fish, I was just enjoying the sun rising over the trees and reflecting off of the water into my face. While fishing one cove, two ducks had come up on me. These weren't wild ducks. They were across between a white farm duck and what looked like probably a mallard. They would not leave me alone. I swear, I about stepped on one of them two different times. I remembered that I had a doughnut stick I had grabbed for a snack in my pack. I broke the pastry and gave a section to each duck. Once they had there treat they swam out into the water and enjoyed there morsel. Now here is the interesting part..... Do you think ducks can talk? I am not talking mating calls or territorial calls, I am talking give directions or tell stories. After walking away from those ducks, I went to the other lake across the road. While walking to the bank, a bachelor group of mallard drakes was coming in to land. They purposely veered off to stay away from me. All the time fishing, they would stay more than 100 yards away and would always be watching me and jerking at any of my sudden moves. I could tell that these were true wild ducks and not hand fed orphans like the others on the lake. On my way back to the truck my two friends from earlier came flying over me and landed in the middle of the drakes. Almost immediately after a bunch of quaking, the drakes, every single one of them, flew right to me. Of course I gave them a treat also and they left me alone so I could get in my truck. I have been around animals my whole life, wild and domestic, I have never seen such behavior. Maybe it was coincidence, but I believe Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb told them I had treats.
Well we have to go back to the doctors again on Monday. Hopefully she is about ready. Last meeting he warned us that the baby may be to big and he would have to do a C-Section. We will have another sonogram next week to find out.....Thanks for coming by