Monday, April 02, 2007

Kristin, Daniel, and I just got home from a wonderful trip to St. Louis with some friends. We visited the zoo, which was an alright zoo, they could really improve some of the habitats though. Later that night, we visited the landing and ate at a nice restraunt with street side tables. The next day we visited the Science Center and headed home. The whole trip cost very little and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting time away from the norm. Here are some pictures in my album.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wow it has once again been awhile since I posted. Not a whole lot has been going on, Daniel is getting big and starting to say more than one word at a time. He has still yet to take more than 3 steps on his own though. He will grab your hand and walk you where he wants to go, but he will not go by his self.

Bemis has once again put the shaft to its workers. It first started with moving 26 Extrusion operators out of the department and demoting them to asst. operator in another department. That doesn't sound like a big deal but when you are talking a $5 pay cut and all of us have new houses, vehicles, and kids. It becomes a big deal. Today I arrive at work to find a picket line. Again another sexual harassment that the company will not do anything about. To get back at the picketers, the company decided to make up some rules on breaks and stuck it to us. No big deal, but kind of rude. At least 30 people went home early today to stick it to the company. There must of been 10 lines down because of it. Word also got out to the streets, because half of night shift also called in. I for one am stuck there until I find something better. I can't just leave like I would like to because of Daniel. He needs my medical insurance and this roof over his head. So to make ends meet, I am going to work 24 hours of overtime this week and probably next week also. My web designs haven't picked up yet, and I am really hoping to get some paying customers some time soon. My designs aren't 100% new and creative, but they are cheap and nice. My latest is at Jason, the owner, and I try to keep that site fresh and with each passing challenge the site will grow. The first year for that site was basic HTML. The next I added some Image Maps and kept it simple. Well this years is my first venture into CSS. A completely new script for me, but something I have to learn to try and keep up with the technology. Next years I hope to make a site completely out of flash but that will probably turn out to be 1 million times harder than I already know it is.

Google, the owners of this blog site and several other services I love to use has created a Picasa Web Album. I already use photobucket, and I believe that there is a link on here somewhere for that, but it is full of 1000's of pics. I am going to try to keep my Picasa Web Album clear of the clutter that photobucket has and only show the good pics. You can visit it at

Thats all for today, have a nice day, week, month, and year.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I have been enjoying the wonders of videography lately. Here are some of my clips.

Here is the first video edit I have ever posted to the net. It was for a family friend who was over if Afghanistan at the time. He was unable to be at deer camp so I captured alot of the action for him.

A short video of Daniel and some of his 2006 highlights.

My Dad and Brother went on a bike ride down in TN. Here is there video broken into 2 parts.

This is my first edit from my new used DCR-TRV900.